1-Company Name
URL: http://www.kiban.jp/
Origin of Company Name
We named our company KiBANiNTERNATiONAL.,from two meanings. First is social infrastructure .We have desire that we wants to offer software used as social infrastructure such as water service, road, electricity, and railways where society is supported as necessaries in life of every day. Second is the mother board in the central portion of the computer.
Masahro Nishimura
- Director of Japanese e learning consortium.
- Business administration is majored in in the Komazawa University graduate school (Master of Business Administration).
- The information engineering is majored in in the Waseda University graduate school international telecommunication research course (international telecommunication master).
Tokyo Office
2th Floor, Seiko Bldg. 6-7-3 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0021
Phone +81-3-5846-5800
Facsimile +81-3-5846-5801
Hokkaido Laboratory
2th Floor, Sugawara Bldg. 199-7 Akagawa-cho, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido, JAPAN 041-0804
4-The capital
10million-yen. (95% NISHIMURA Masahro 5% Establishment member)
- March 29, 1998
Masahiro Nishimura establishes KiBAN Ltd. - October 01, 1999
KiBAN Ltd. is reorganized into KiBAN INC. - July 28, 2009
The organizing registration from KiBAN INC. on according to the corporate separation. - September 30, 2009
LECTURE MAKER (http://lecturemaker.jp/) is released. - October 21, 2009
“English grammar. COM (http://bunpou.com/)” is released. - November 22, 2009
e learning system SmartBrain (http://smartbrain.info/) is released. - December 01, 2009
The stocks clearance of KiBAN INC. KiBAN INC. change the company name to Ginger Up. - April 01, 2010
Nama-chu-Ke-Service (http://ustreamer.jp/) only for the Ustream account and the member and is released.
6-System and present main business situation
6-1:e learning division
- LMS SmartBrain (Company’s in-house development).
- ASP type service.
- For PC, iPhone, iPad, and smart phone.
- 600 companies use SmartBrain.
- Sole agency in Japan of authoring tool (PPT2Flash,PPT2Mobile,DemoCreator,WebVideoAuthor) of WonderShare Co.
- LECTURE MAKER agency of DaulSoft Co.
- partnership :Hitachi buisiness solution co Ltd.
- PPT2Voice (package of the voice sommelier, PPT2Flash, and PPT2Mobile) is sold. The agency: Softbank Corp. (first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange)-affiliated It sells it through 6,000 companies.
- Customer: 2700 companies such as central Government office and a part of listed companies.
- LMS is offered to central government and municipal offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications.
- Sharp, Nikon, the citizen, Sony Life Insurance, JAXA (space development), and DoCoMo, Kyocera, and the loam.
6-2:Live casting division
- Image distribution support business that uses Ustream.
- Live communications with the viewer by twitter.
- The management of the watching data.
- Mail Sending.
- The most Ustream telecast freqency without ads in the world.
- Our own program “[Kibaraji]” is telecasted in its own studio of every day on the weekday.
- The knowhow of the latest image machine parts, telecasting Ustream is practiced and researched.
- We’ve supported the relay of interviews such as RAKUTEN and SONY.
- The celebrity such as authors of the book is invited to our own studio and we broadcasts programs with them.
6-3:Contents Sales Devision
- Contents Sales Buisiness using SmartBrain.
- Cooperating with Veritas academy of Contents vender.”Internet prepschool”.
- Revenue share.
7-Principal member
Person in charge of e learning division. The SCROM Assessor qualification holder.
The University of Electro-Communications graduate school (information engineering) and the Kumamoto University graduate school (educational technology).
Person in charge of Nama-chu-ke- division.
Tanakshi Hasegawa acquired the doctor’s degree (Doctor of Agriculture) in minimams in history in The University of Tokyo graduate school.
Person in charge of development division.
Yoichiro Nishimura acquired programming Master’s degree in Keio University graduate school.
Hirokazu YUKAWA
Person in charge of support division.
The Komazawa University graduate school (business administration) and the Kumamoto University graduate school (educational technology).
Moreover, to turn “Best learning for all of the people” to all over the world and to achieve it, we employ the foreigner positively. Moreover, many of employees including representative Nishimura are graduates of the guraduate school, and they have high motivation for learning, and the talent complete to learner’s feelings.
8-Original in-house system
- iPhone all employee provision system.
- iPad all employee provision system.
- Kindle all employee provision system.
- System of corporate expense going abroad to study.
9-Plan for the future
ePublishing division
- We are going into ePublishing business.
- ePublishing platform is under development.
- We are cooperating with a middle sized publishing company to make ePublishing system.
10-Media publishing results
- August 25, 2010
Book “Ustream and super-tv generation” — Our ustream service is introduced. - August 25, 2010
Book “Ustream guide book”. - August 24, 2010
Book “Nikkei Computer 5/26” our ustream searice is introduced. - August 24, 2010
Book “shijukukai — private accodemy world 2010/07”. - June 18, 2010
News paper “Nikkei sangyo(industry) -morning issue – front page”. - March 15, 2010
Web “Nifty@business — top page”. - March 14, 2010
Book “Nikkei trandy 2010/05” — electrical dictionary — veritas contents are introduced. - March 12, 2010
Web “Venture Now — top page” SmartBrain EC package and SmartBrain UST are introduced. - February 22, 2010
KiBAN International is selected as procpective ventures top 300. - February 22, 2010
Magazine “Nikkei Computer 2010/2/17” SmartBrain is introduced. - January 14, 2010
Magazine “sportlight — 30,000 copies” Masahiro Nishimura is introduced. - December 9, 2009
Magazine “Nursing 2009/11” We wrote an article about elearning in nursing.